In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and the Regulation on the Processing and Ensuring the Privacy of Personal Health Data by TRİOKLİK HEALTH TOURISM CONSULTANCY AND GUIDANCE TRADE LTD. STI, your personal data included in the Patient/Service Recipient Clarification Text within the Scope of the Protection of Personal Data, which is submitted to your information in accordance with the relevant provisions; We request your explicit consent regarding the following issues, except for the processing and transfer of processing and transfer to the extent necessary for the purpose of protecting public health, medical diagnosis, examination, treatment and care services;
- Collection and Processing of Personal Data:
In order to provide me with quality service, I was informed by reading the Patient/Service Recipient Clarification Text within the Scope of Personal Data Protection that you have obtained my personal data verbally, in writing, visually, or electronically, depending on the nature of the service provided.
In this context, my main general and special personal data obtained, especially my personal health data obtained for this purpose, which is necessary for the execution of all medical diagnosis, examination, surgery, treatment and care services, is listed below;
- My credentials; My name, surname, identity, TR ID number, copy of driver’s license, passport number or temporary TR ID number, place and date of birth, marital status, gender, insurance or patient protocol number and other identification information that can identify me.
- My Contact Information: My address, home/mobile/work phone numbers, e-mail address and other contact data, my voice call records kept by customer representatives or patient services in accordance with call center standards, and my personal data obtained when I contact your Hospital or Clinic via e-mail, letter or other means.
- My Financial Information; My financial data such as my bank account number, IBAN number, credit card information, billing information.
- Camera and photo records kept for security purposes if I visit your clinic, my license plate data if I benefit from parking and valet service, my photos and camera records related to this.
- My closed circuit camera system images and recordings during my visit to your clinic,
- My Health Information; My general and special personal data, especially the personal health data obtained during the execution of all medical diagnosis, examination, treatment, surgery and care services and that I present to you; For example, my appointment and examination information, laboratory results, test results, check-up and prescription information, reports, prescriptions, data specified in the consent form in case of a medical intervention,
- My survey, suggestion, satisfaction, thanks and complaint data, e-mail, website contact form, navigation information you obtain when using your website and mobile applications; My IP address, wi-fi information, browser information and medical documents that I transmit to you voluntarily with the same system, surveys, related registration and form information or other data that I share with you through other means, private health insurance for the purpose of financing and planning health services, etc.
- Purposes of Processing Personal Data:
I have been informed that my Personal and Sensitive Personal Data listed above may be processed for the following purposes;
- Fulfilling the legal obligations contained in the Basic Law on Health Services No. 3359, the Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliates, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, the Public Hygiene Law No. 1593, the Regulation on Patient Rights, the Regulation on Private Hospitals, the Regulation on Personal Health Data, the Decision of the Personal Data Protection Board dated 31/01/2018 and numbered 2018/10 and other relevant regulations;
- Protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment, surgery and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, Execution of all medical diagnosis, examination, treatment and care services, supply of medicines, consumables and special materials,
- If an appointment is made, provide you with information about your appointment; Verification of your identity, Billing; fast and accurate planning, management and monitoring of your transactions,
Providing financial reconciliation with contracted institutions regarding the health services offered to you; Responding to the demands of public institutions and organizations in accordance with the legislation,- Measuring patient satisfaction and increasing patient satisfaction after receiving health services; Ability to respond to all kinds of questions and complaints; Information about the services offered by you;
- Development of quality processes and fulfillment of their activities;
- Researching and analyzing my use of health services in order to improve the services provided by you,
- Participation in campaigns and providing campaign information by the relevant departments through all kinds of communication,
- Measuring the satisfaction of the patient receiving health services from your hospital and increasing patient satisfaction,
PURPOSES: In order to provide information to the prosecutors’ offices, courts, all kinds of judicial authorities, the General Directorate of Population, the Turkish Medical Association and the Turkish Pharmacists Association, and the relevant public officials, upon request and in accordance with the legislation, in matters related to public security and legal disputes that may arise; When necessary, authorized public institutions and organizations within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes, To the institutions and organizations sent in case of referral, to the health institutions and organizations with which you cooperate/are in cooperation for medical diagnosis and treatment, laboratories, business partners, private insurance companies, lawyers, law firms, financial advisors, legal representatives and third parties from whom you receive consultancy, including auditors, to carry out your activities. I have been informed in detail that it can be transferred with the domestic/foreign organizations and other third parties and their legal representatives, which you have received, cooperated with, only in connection with the service received, limited and measured, and provided that all technical and administrative measures required by the KVKK are taken during the service.
- Methods of Collecting Personal Data and Legal Reasons Related to Them:
I know that the legal reason for the collection of my Personal Data is within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, the Basic Law on Health Services No. 3359, the Decree Law No. 663, the Regulation on Private Hospitals and the relevant legislation.
My personal data that I share in the Clarification Text is specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law No. 6698, (i) it is clearly stipulated in the laws, (ii) it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract, (iii) the life or physical integrity of the person himself or someone else who is unable to disclose his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not legally valid. It is mandatory for its protection, (iv) it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, (v) it is mandatory for the legitimate interest of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject, (vi) it is necessary for the protection of public health, preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing; Within the scope of the purposes specified in the Clarification Text;
- a) To comply with the law and the rules of honesty,
- b) Provided that it is accurate and up-to-date when necessary,
- c) For specific, explicit and legitimate purposes,
- d)In connection with the purpose for which they are processed, limited and measured,
- e) I have been informed that they will be processed, recorded, stored, preserved, classified and transferred by automatic (for example, camera recordings) or non-automatic (for example, forms filled in by me) provided that they are part of any data recording system to be kept for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed.
In addition, as stated in paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Law, personal data related to health and sexual life can only be processed by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation of confidentiality for the purpose of protecting public health, conducting preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and management of health services and financing, without seeking my explicit consent.
4. Transfer of Personal Data:
My Personal Data, within the framework of the Basic Law on Health Services No. 3359, the Decree Law No. 663 on the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliates, the Public Hygiene Law No. 1593, the Regulation on Patient Rights, the Regulation on Private Hospitals, the Regulation on the Processing of Personal Health Data and the Protection of Privacy and the regulations of the Ministry of Health and the relevant legislation and for the purposes described above;
- Ministry of Health, sub-units and centers affiliated to the ministry,
- Turkish Medical Association,
- Türkiye Eczacılar Birliği,
- Nüfus Genel Müdürlüğü,
- Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü ve diğer kolluk kuvvetleri,
- Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumu,
- Mevzuat gereği savcılıklara, mahkemelere ve her türlü adli makamlara,
- İlgili kamu görevlilerine bilgi verebilmek için yetkili kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarına,
- Tıbbi teşhis ve tedavi için iş birliği içerisinde olduğunuz laboratuvarlara, sağlık kurum ve kuruluşlarına, sevk halinde ilgili sağlık kurum ve kuruluşlarına,
- Çalışmakta olduğunuz tüm özel sigorta şirketlerine, avukatlık bürolarına, mali müşavirlere, iş ortaklarına ve danışmanlık aldığınız üçüncü kişiler dahilinde tüm danışmanlarınız ile aktarılabileceğini biliyorum.
5.Kişisel Verilerin Korunmasına Yönelik Haklarınız:
Kanun ve ilgili mevzuatlar uyarınca işbu Aydınlatma Metnini onaylayarak;
- Kişisel verilerimin işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme,
- Kişisel verilerimin işlendiğine ilişkin bilgi talep etme,
- Kişisel sağlık verilerime erişim ve bu verileri isteme,
- Kişisel verilerimin işlenme amacını ve bunların amacına uygun kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme,
- Yurt içinde veya yurt dışında kişisel verilerimin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişileri bilme,
- Kişisel verilerimin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması hâlinde bunların düzeltilmesini isteme,
- Kişisel verilerimin silinmesini veya yok edilmesini (anonim hale getirilmesi) isteme,
- Kişisel verilerimin eksik veya yanlış işlenmiş olması hâlinde bunların düzeltilmesine ve/veya kişisel verilerimin silinmesini veya yok edilmesine ilişkin işlemlerin kişisel verilerinin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişilere bildirilmesini isteme,
- Hastane tarafından işlenen verilerimin münhasıran otomatik sistemler vasıtasıyla analiz edilmesi suretiyle kendi aleyhinize bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme,
- Kişisel verilerimin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğranılması hâlinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme
HAKLARINA SAHİP OLDUĞUM konusunda TRİOKLİNİK tarafından bilgilendirildim.
6.İletişim ve Başvuru;
TRİOKLİNİK’e yazılı olarak yapılacak başvurular, aşağıdaki başvuru adreslerine, eksiksiz doldurulması ve imzalı olarak aşağıdaki yöntemlerden herhangi biri ile tarafımıza iletilmesi suretiyle yapılabilir.
Şahsen | Ataköy Towers Ataköy 7-8-9-10. Kısım Mah. Çobançeşme E-5 Yanyol Cad. No: 20 B Blok K:6 D:83-84 34212 – Bakırköy / İstanbul | Başvuru Sahibi’nin aşağıdaki başvuru adresine bizzat gelerek, kimliğini tevsik edici belge ile başvuru yapması mümkündür. |
Noter Vasıtasıyla Tebligat İle | Ataköy Towers Ataköy 7-8-9-10. Kısım Mah. Çobançeşme E-5 Yanyol Cad. No: 20 B Blok K:6 D:83-84 34212 – Bakırköy / İstanbul | Tebligat zarfında “Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Kapsamında Bilgi Talebi” ibaresi yer almalıdır. |
İadeli Taahhütlü Mektup İle | Ataköy Towers Ataköy 7-8-9-10. Kısım Mah. Çobançeşme E-5 Yanyol Cad. No: 20 B Blok K:6 D:83-84 34212 – Bakırköy / İstanbul | Kimliğinizi tespit edici belgeler eklenmelidir ve tebligat zarfında “Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Kapsamında Bilgi Talebi” ibaresi yer almalıdır. |
Güvenli Elektronik İmza ya da Mobil İmzayla e-posta Yolu İle | info@trioclinic.com | Başvuru Sahibi tarafından, Güvenli Elektronik İmza ya da Mobil İmza ile imzalanması ve E-posta’nın konu kısmında “Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Bilgi Talebi” ibaresi yer almalıdır. |
TRİOKLİNİK tarafından hazırlanan Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Kapsamında Hasta/Hizmet Alan Aydınlatma Metnini okuduğumu ve anladığımı ve işbu metinde yer alan kişisel verilerimin işlenmesindeki amacı; aktarıldığı kurum, kuruluş ve şirketler ile üçüncü şahısları, toplanma yöntemleri ve bunlara ilişkin hukuki sebepleri, kişisel verilerimin korunmasına yönelik haklarımı, kişisel verilerimin güvenliği ve sahip olduğum başvuru hakkıma dair bilgilendirildiğimi,
Kişisel ve Özel Nitelikli verilerimin; sözleşmenin ifası, kanunda açıkça öngörülmesi, TRİOKLİNİK hukuki yükümlülüğünü yerine getirebilmesi için zorunlu olması ve kamu sağlığının korunması, koruyucu hekimlik, tıbbî teşhis, tedavi ve bakım hizmetlerinin yürütülmesi, sağlık hizmetleri ile finansmanının planlanması ve yönetimi amaçları ile gerektiği ölçüde işlenmesi ve aktarılması halleri HARİCİNDE Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu Kapsamında Hasta/Hizmet Alan Aydınlatma Metninde belirtilen hususlara uygun olarak ; İŞLENMESİNİ, muhafaza edilmesini , düzenlenmesi ve aktarılmasını, AÇIK RIZAM ile KABUL EDİYORUM.